
Winter Yoga Routine Pose How-To’s

This sequence is designed for families practicing at home, in a yoga studio, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient.

Start with CANDLE POSE, taking several deep breaths in and out through the nose. After this, flow from one pose to the next, holding each posture for around 20 seconds before moving on. For CAT, WARRIOR, TREE, HAPPY BABY, and WINDSHIELD WIPER poses, practice on both sides of the body.

Remember to breathe in and out through your nose while practicing yoga. Focusing on the breath can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. End with DO NOTHING POSE; close your eyes and stay still for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits of the previous postures.

CANDLE. Kneel on the floor and bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose to center yourself and to transition into your yoga practice.

COW.  Beginning on all fours, inhale and arch your back, then exhale and round your spine, trying to pull your chin to your throat.  Repeat this move several times to begin to warm up your spine.

CAT. Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Slowly stretch back one leg, like a cat’s tail. Take some deep breaths in and out through your nose, and then switch sides by straightening your opposite leg, keeping the other one bent on the floor. You can even say “Meow,” like a cat while doing this gentle yoga pose which lengthens your spine.

DOG.  Start on your hands and knees, and then straighten your legs and lift your hips. Look down towards your toes, as you breathe in and out through your nose.

MOUSE.  Sit back on your heels, and then gently put your head on the floor, folding your upper body down on the ground. With your arms by your side, take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose.
WARRIOR.  Stand tall with your feet wide apart and your arms extended parallel to the floor. Next point your front toes straight ahead and bend your front knee. Keep a steady gaze as you hold this powerful posture which stretches the hips, shoulders, and groin. Then slowly switch sides.

TREE. This is a balancing pose that improves your focus and concentration. Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

HAPPY BABY. Begin by lying flat on your back. With your head flat on the ground, bend your knees toward your chest. Face the soles of your feet up toward the ceiling as you reach forward and hold the inside of your feet. Spread your knees apart as you breathe deeply in this yoga pose which calms the mind and eases stress.

WINDSHIELD WIPER. Start by lying down. Bring your knees to your chest and hold onto your legs. Next, slowly roll gently from side to side, just like a windshield wiper when it's raining outside. This yoga posture helps unwind the spine, as it gently stretches the back and glutes.

DO NOTHING POSE. Close your eyes, as you rest on your back with your arms along your side and palms facing the ceiling. Stay in this resting position for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active poses.

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