Bestselling kids’ yoga books in The ABCs of Yoga for Kids and LIttle Mouse Adventures series from international kids’ yoga expert and Kids’ Yoga Day founder Teresa Power frequently featured on television, radio, podcasts and in print.
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KCBS 2 Los Angeles
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Jack Canfield Interviews Teresa
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Starcom Radio Network
Yoga at My School
Smart Fitness Show
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Articles & News
Stroll Balboa August 2023 magazine cover story features Teresa Power and Yoga at the Aquarium
“Share the joys of bedtime stories with this proudly Mzansi reading app,” South Africa News profiles mobile app Nooksy, featuring a curated impact library that includes Yoga at the Zoo and Mindfulness at the Park.
“Back to School: Beyond the Usual Jitters,” a special supplement in School Library Journal’s August 2021 issue features Teresa Power, The ABCs of Yoga for Kids, and Little Mouse Adventures.
“Yoga at the Museum reading, plus yoga moves,” video with Teresa as part of her Books and Cookies LA social media takeover on April 20th, 2021.
“How to Jump-Start Your Kids’ Yoga Practice,” Teresa shares how to make yoga fun and approachable to get your little ones on the mat on
“Yoga for Kids is as Simple as the ABCs,”, article featuring Teresa
“3 Tips to Channel Children’s Excess Energy through Yoga,” Teresa’s advice for helping children stay calm and fit on
“13 Children’s Books To Help Kids And Teens Deal With Anxiety And Stress,” features the ABCs of Yoga for Kids.
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids chosen as a 2020 Top Homeschool Curriculum List Winner by in the Electives category
“Marquez Knolls Resident Launches Fiction Book Series for Children,” Palisades Post, article featuring Teresa and Yoga at the Zoo.
“Yoga For Kids: Benefits And Resources For Doing It At Home,”, article featuring Teresa, The ABCs of Yoga for Kids, and Kids’ Yoga Day
“Learning Yoga Helps Inner-city Kids Overcome Stress,” USCNews, article on Teresa and Kids’ Yoga Day
“12 Yoga Books for Kids,” LA Yoga Magazine, article featuring The ABCs of Yoga for Kids
“7 Healthy Reasons Your Child Should Be Doing Yoga,” originally seen in Reader’s Digest, article featuring Teresa
“Little Yogis To Kick off International Kids Yoga Day Wednesday At Santa Monica Pier” in the Pacific Palisades Patch
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Around the World named a 2017 Yoga Digest best read.
“Worried About Your Little Worrier? A Guide to Manage Kid’s Anxiety & Stress,” article featuring Teresa.
“25 Eye Opening Yoga Industry Trends,” article featuring Teresa and The ABCs of Yoga for Kids.
“Kids’ Yoga Day,” article featuring Teresa, Kids’ Yoga Day and The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Guide for Parents & Teachers.
“The Pose,” Palisadian Post’s ongoing column written by Teresa.
“Teresa Power is on a Mission to Get Kids Moving!” Story Monsters Ink article featuring Teresa
“Little Mouse Returns,” The Palisadian Post spotlights In Search of the Holy Grail, by Teresa Power
“Calling Everyone for Kids’ Yoga Day,” University of Southern California’s Little Yoginis program celebrate Teresa Power and Kids’ Yoga Day in the Spring 2021 edition
“GeekMom Halloween Reading Roundup 2022: Picture Books” features board book Halloween Yoga.
“10 easy and fun yoga poses for kids, recommended by yoga teachers,” on, quoting Teresa Power.
“Easy 5 Minute Yoga Flow” and “The Night Before Kids’ Yoga Day, as read by Teresa Power,” as part of Teresa’s Skylight Books social media takeover on April 9th, 2021.
“3 Tips for Parents to Introduce Yoga to their Kids,” article written by Teresa
“5 Cold Weather Activities for Kids, No Supplies Required,”, article featuring Teresa
“Yoga for kids as easy as the ABCs,” discusses Kids’ Yoga Day and Teresa’s special 5 minute routine
“ABCs of Yoga for Kids Around the World,” on the cover of Publishers Weekly.
Yoga at the Zoo and Mindfulness at the Park featured in the December 2020 issue of First Time Parent Magazine
“Changing the World One Pose at a Time,” USA Today magazine article written by Teresa
“How Yoga Can Benefit Your Children,” Health and Wellbeing magazine tip list featuring The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Around the World
“How Children Can Find Inner Peace in a Digital World with Just 5 Minutes a Day of Yoga,” K-12 article written by Teresa
“Palisadian Launches Second Book in Little Mouse Adventures Series,” Palisadian Post writes about Teresa’s book, Mindfulness at the Park
“International Kids Yoga Day: Healthy Prescription for Young Minds,” The Times of India article about local Kids’ Yoga Day celebration
“Yoga and Kids: Does It Help School Performance?,” article written by Teresa
“The ABCs of Yoga for Kids,” Foreword Magazine review
“Tips for Making Yoga for Kids Easy,” article featuring Teresa and Kids’ Yoga Day
“5 Minute a Day Yoga Routine for Kids,” article by Teresa
“World’s First Annual Kid’s Yoga Day Debuts Next Month,” article about Teresa and Kids’ Yoga Day
“3 Fun Yoga Poses for Kids with Autism,” Natural Solutions magazine article by Teresa
“Strike a Pose for the First Annual Kids’ Yoga Day,” article featuring Teresa and Kids’ Yoga Day
“International Borneyoga-Dag,” Haslev-Posten article about Kids’ Yoga Day